Monday, March 11, 2013

Strangers We Meet

(drafted March 10, 2013)
Meeting strangers is a wonderful thing. An unintentional encounter. You don't know them, and they don't know you. Sometimes you may even be so brutally honest with them more than you could be with anyone else. And it's ok for you to be whoever you want or say whatever you want to them because they don't now you and you don't know them. That may very well be the only time you are ever going to see them. When that moment ends, it's gone and you never look back. But what I realised is that honesty is easily distinguished among strangers.. at least to me. You are unafraid of what you speak because who will ever find out about what you said to the person you met on a bus on your way to work? You reveal your deepest, darkest secrets, you divulge and paint a virtual story of your life, fearlessly and instantly. You have no reason to feel ashamed. For all you know, that stranger would be the one who would help you through your hardest times.

Not too long ago, I met a stranger who asked me, "What is love?". That question had never seemed so difficult and yet for me to convey my answer, was effortlessly easy. Was it because he was someone I didn't know and it was alright for me to be sentimental without being judged or mocked at for being so? I remember thinking that it didn't matter whether what I said made sense or not, he asked for my thoughts and I didn't have to watch my words. I could say whatever I want and then he would be gone, unseen, unheard of and forgotten.

But that moment of time didn't leave me. I didn't forget. In fact, it constantly replayed in my mind, his question and my answer. It left me with wonder. I started wondering and reflecting about the world we live in, love, life and basically just everything. It wasn't the kind of wonder that was arduos but somewhat blissful. I started to walk a little taller, laughed a little louder and be a little bolder. It's amazing how little things like meeting a random person on the street makes you realise that the world really is a beautiful place and people really aren't that bad. 

Strangers We Meet is a series of short films that features people I have never met before, who are unknown to me, some whose names I don't even know, all asked to answer the same question. These scenes were filmed undirected, unplanned, unscripted and are arbitrary answers. These are real people, expressing real thoughts and feelings. 

In this very first Strangers We Meet, I have collaborated with Tasha Faye of, one of the most talented photographers I know and also one of my closest friends, the one who encouraged me and helped me take the first step to start Strangers We Meet. I have chosen "What is love?", to begin with because it was the question I was asked that inspired me to do something I have never done (or even thought of doing) before; producing short films and meeting strangers, intentionally. I hope watching this will leave you inspired, make you smile and see the world the way others see it. I hope it opens your eyes to the beauty of this world.

To the strangers who have willingly let me film you and helped make this happen, from the very bottom of my heart, thank you. If you are reading this, I want you to know that I am grateful and appreciate every one of you. Hopefully this makes your day a little brighter too. I couldn't have done this without you. 


As for what my reply was to the stranger, I might share it one day. Till then, I hope everyone is having a lovely Monday. If not, I hope this video makes your day :)

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